Committed to Helping Our Clients Succeed​

You Need A Reliable Law Firm That Helps Deal With Your Business Matters​

Our Location​

Chisinau, Moldova


+373 60 228 448

Professional and Experienced Corporate Law Attorney​

You’ve Come To The Right Place​

Victor Gitlan has extensive legal and economic background, being involved in a variety of high-profile projects and transactions in Moldova. He has more than 10 years of experience dealing with issues that foreign investors face in Moldova and has a profound understanding of the local market.

He has valuable experience in legal advisory and representation work gained while working as a lawyer at the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Moldova and during the professional internship at the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Moldova to the Council of Europe (Strasbourg, France), where he has drafted the summary notes regarding the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights against the Republic of Moldova.

Victor Gitlan aims to provide the Client with practical business solutions, not mere legal advice. Victor Gitlan is business-oriented, primarily transactional lawyer, able to provide services in Romanian, English, Italian and Russian.

10 Years Of Experience​
Defining Success​
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Professional And Experienced Business Law Attorney​

Why Choose Our Firm​

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Excellent Track Record​

Our law firm has represented foreign investors in the Republic of Moldova in various business law matters for over 10 years, earning an undisputed track record of success.

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Transparent Fees​

We concentrate exclusively on providing clients with superior legal representation and first-class service at competitive pricing.

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Unparalleled Customer Service​

The foundation of the firm is hard work, creative and aggressive advocacy, and an unwavering focus on the needs of our clients. Our goal in every matter is to achieve the best possible result in a cost-effective manner.


Client Consultations​


Successful Cases​


Professional Attorneys​


Recovered Cost​

Call Us

+373 60 228 448


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